Have you ever wanted to learn how to fly one of those cool radio controlled airplanes or helicopters? Join us for a very small annual membership fee and start learning.
Most of our members have years of experience with RC vehicles.
We would be happy to teach you how to fly your own plane or helicopter.
MEMBERSHIP COST: (annual renewal and required to use club field)
Dues: Membership
Age 19 to 65 – $150
(19 to 65 eligible for 2 discount)
(first year member $100 – eligible for 1 discount – except mowing)
Age 66 & Over – $60
(66 & Over eligible for 1 discount)
(first year member $60 – eligible for 1 discount – except mowing)
Age 18 & Under – $10
(18 & Under not eligible for any additional discounts)
Extra Family Member – $60 (same household)
(extra family not eligible for any additional discounts)
Discounts to Membership Dues (Age 19 to 65 – may select two discounts)
Mowing Team Credit $100
Participation in Field Cleanup Day $25
Participation in Fun Fly setup\teardown $25
Discounts to Membership Dues (Age 66 and Over – may select one discount)
Mowing Team Credit. $40
Participation in Field Cleanup Day $25
Participation in Fun Fly setup\teardown $25
Note: Any Membership begun after September 1st will be good for the following year.
If you wish to become a NEW member, please fill out the form here
If you would like to pay your club dues with a Credit Card or Paypal, please scan the QR code with your phone. You will be taken to PayPal’s website to complete the transaction. If you don’t have a PayPal account you will have the option to create one or just simply use a credit card.
This QR Code is for membership RENEWAL only.

AMA Membership: (annual) (Required)
AMA Membership Page
Benefits of the AMA Membership:
- $2,500,000 personal liability insurance coverage
- $25,000 Medical Coverage-AD&D Policy ($10,000 Death Benefit)
- $1,000 Fire, Theft, and Vandalism coverage
- Model Aviation monthly magazine
- Access to members only section of website
- Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites with appropriate club membership
- Toll free customer service – 1-800-I-Fly-AMA (435-9262)
- Always comply with the AMA Safety Code.
Both Memberships are required to join Marion Airfoils. Without an AMA Membership you will not be allowed to fly at our field.